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Ayurvedic Massage Therapy: There are people so tough and strong while there are some very emotional. Also, some aren’t easy to judge while some are difficult to handle. And here comes the best ones, the ones who always smile and give out positive vibes.


No one in the world indeed wants to be tagged ‘negative’ yet their different responses to situations categorize them into several different types. So, what makes one person happier can make another one sad or maybe angry while some may remain unaffected. We need to understand there are different people and different are their behavioural responses and we should be perfectly okay with it.

The problem begins when we start feeling negative about everyone’s actions and their reactions to several different things. That indicates few things inside us are changing at a rapid rate. At such a moment of realization, all we need to do is sit and self-analyze. Yes! You read it right! Self-analyzation is critical for every individual. What happens actually, we tend to start getting affected a lot in the longer run. We start becoming emotional, we begin to feel sensitive or sometimes we lose temper so much that we can’t hold it even in front of children.

This is not normal! It needs immediate attention but this sudden change is of too little weight that neither you nor your family members notice. Ultimately, we all start accepting it as normal which is wrong. There are various methods to overcome past traumas, ayurvedic massage therapy being one but we will ponder on few more important points before moving onto same.

Did you know negative behavioural changes are like rust?

It eats up a jovial personality and leaves him as a hollow person without a soul. No one wants to see their loved ones like this, nor do they want themselves to fall prey to such situations. Sometimes too much workload, loneliness, pressure, toxicity, violence, expectations and so on makes a person undergo unbearable stress which serves as a bad experience, and the person becomes chained to the past trauma in life.


Liberate Yourself

To prevent yourself from hitting the rock-bottom, you must liberate yourself from all past issues which hold you back in life and work on managing the current stress level. Do not at any point in time suffer in solace with negative feelings. With a positive approach and good surroundings, it is easier for anyone to avoid undue pressure and lead a normal life. All that you need is a little self-care.

You can indulge in some activities like gymming, early morning walks, group treks, yoga, ayurvedic massage therapy, recreational retreat and so on. This will help you in gaining a more positive approach to life.

Confused? Let us Help you!

If you are confused about how to begin at first, we understand coming out of your zone will take a bit longer but it isn’t impossible.

However, approaching a wellness resort is a great idea to attain physical, mental and spiritual healing. There you focus on aligning your chakras through various yogic and karmic rituals.

Also, holistic teachings and ancient massages soothe your entire being.

Getting involved in interesting activities including culinary experience makes you feel ‘important’ and ‘wanted’.

Doing nothing and spending some time alone with yourself at the lap of nature gives you all reasons to reflect upon the beautiful life ahead. It helps you release negativity and absorb the calmness of mother nature.

Getting pampered at the spas takes away regrets and helps in the secretion of happy hormones in your body. Undergoing ayurvedic massage therapy at the spa helps you in recovering physically and mentally.

All the alone time that you spend at the wellness spa resort makes you a better person. You become completely refreshed, awakened and soulful that no past trauma can stop you from growth in personal as well as professional life.


The ‘mantra’ to stay happy and prosperous is to ‘stop’ comparing yourself to others. Stop judging yourself as it brings a lot of pain and you end up miserable. Rather, work on yourself and try to become successful in life. It will keep you motivated and busy and you will not have negative feelings towards yourself.

Lift-up Others

Lifting others can make you feel really good about your existence. Give yourself a chance to help the less privileged. Inculcate helping nature, will give you multiple reasons to be happy. Also, you will not think about bad experiences a lot. You will have ample reasons to be happy that you would not want to look back.

Make New Friends

Change your circle to like-minded people, those who have a progressive approach in life. Don’t stay in the company of people who makes you unhappy or looks down upon you. They will always supply negative energy. If you are unhappy staying with few people, it is advisable to leave them for a better journey and a better start. You have all the rights to live a regretless life.

How We can Help you to forget bad memories and experience positivity?

At Northumberland Heights, we let you define your path of happiness by drawing you closer to spirituality, nature and the goodness of the spa. At our luxurious abode, we make you undergo various healing ayurvedic massage therapy and spiritual awakening lessons that broaden your vision to positive healing.

Gain some great experiences in yoga, meditation & ancient spas at our property which is located in Canada. We indulge in delivering holistic experiences through our benefitting spa deals and offerings. Pack your bags for a soulful retreat at Northumberland Heights- a beautiful property situated at the lap of luxury combined with nature and holistic healings.

At our salon, get the best pampering to vacate yourself from the feeling of dullness. Learn from our world-class chefs the art of cooking mouth-watering dishes by trying yourself in our guest-special kitchens. Upon returning home, surprise everyone with your amazing culinary skills adopted during your stay at our property. Let us know what’s bothering you and we will customize your plan accordingly.

Also, let us know if nothing’s bad and you just want to have a chill-pill at a luxurious abode, embellished like heaven, we will get your plan customized accordingly as well. Anyhow, Northumberland Heights love to serve its visitors with heartwarming treatment.

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